We have prayed every Tuesday for over 20 years for our cities, state, nation, Israel, and the world. We stand in our God-given authority in Christ and use our spiritual gifts to transform the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.
God has given us assignments to go and pray through every county in Michigan including the Upper Peninsula. We have gone to all the High Places, prayed at the state capital, at all the county seats, all the prisons, abortion clinics, mosques, masonic lodges, first nations reservations, walked the outline of Grand Rapids and prayed street by street, prayed at the beginning point of sex trafficking in Michigan, prayed around Detroit and over Dearborn, prayed over the rivers and lakes and under the ground in gypsum mines, redeeming and blessing the land for Christ with his powerful blood.
The blessings of favor resting upon the righteous influences a city to lift it higher, but wicked leaders tear it apart by their words. Proverbs 11:11 TPT
Redeem the Land
(Repent over the sins of the land)
Reconcile the Land to God
(Declare scriptures over the land)
Restore Original Intent
(Ask for God to change it back to what He intended)
Release God’s Blessings
(Over the land and the peoples of the land)
Our mandate is to contend for the Kingdom of God to be expanded in our territory by removing curses and releasing blessings. Sin brings a curse and defilement to the land. We repent and remove the curses through prayer by the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.